Especially when you focus on one area of the house or concentrate too much on your investigation, jump scares would scare you out. Players are most vulnerable to jump scares. The game gives a life-like feeling, justifying why players stick to their seats throughout the gaming session. Players feel as if they are truly involved in what’s going on. But, the developer of Pacify has added immense intensity to the game that makes it intriguing and engaging. If you have watched some really good horror movies, you would know that they aren’t very scary. The very first impression that Pacify would give you is that of a standard horror game. The graphics and sounds added throughout the game are impressive. They say, that the house allowed people to communicate to their loved ones who have recently died. Some people even add a paranormal touch to the story. In old days, this mysterious house was believed to have been used as a funeral parlour. When the game begins, players have to investigate an old, haunted spooky house. Paranormal activity helpers incorporated. Pacify is a fast-paced investigative video game where players play as members of PAH, Inc.